IOA adopts two concepts to aim for sustainable activities.
① SDGs
② CSV (creative shared value)
Incorporating the above idea, IOA conducts business activities.
① SDGs
② CSV (creative shared value)
Incorporating the above idea, IOA conducts business activities.
① SDGs
IOA is promoting SDGs for the development of the organization and the development and protection of the social environment.

The efforts of SDGs that IOA is working on in Japan are posted on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an example of measures taken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
② CSV(Creating Shared Value)
For the development of both society and the economy, the IOA incorporates the concept of "CSV" and develops sustainable activities.

CSV (Creating Shared Value) = Strategic CSR
Proponent: Professor at Harvard University Michael E. Porter This is a concept that began advocating mainly in the United Nations, Harvard, Nestle etc in 2009.
* IOA conducts the "Nestle Healthy Kids Global Program" CSR activities for the creation of common values of Nestle Japan Co., Ltd.